Cara Membuat Membuat Tom Yum Goong Lezat

Enak, Sedap dan Mantap.

Tom Yum Goong. Authentic recipe for this famous Thai soup: Tom Yum Goong. Recipe from Pailin of Hot Thai Kitchen. Thai recipe for Tom Yum Goong.

Tom Yum Goong It is simple and fast to make. Critic Reviews for The Protector (Tom yum goong) (Warrior King). (aka Tom-Yum-Goong, The Warrior King, Thai Dragon, Revenge of the Warrior) A much hyped fight film from Muay Thai expert. Tom Yum Goong is one of the most well-known Thai recipes, and I have the BEST and most authentic Tom Yum recipe for you. Kamu dapat memasak Tom Yum Goong menggunakan 10 bahan dan dengan 3 langkah. Berikut cara bagaimana kamu memasak masakan ini.

Bahan - Bahan Untuk Memasak Tom Yum Goong

  1. Persiapkan 1 ikat sawi.
  2. Sediakan 6 butir baso sapi.
  3. Persiapkan 3 lembar daun jeruk.
  4. Persiapkan 1 buah jeruk nipis.
  5. Persiapkan 1/3 sachet bumbu munik.
  6. Persiapkan 3 butir cabe rawit.
  7. Siapkan 1 pack kecil soun.
  8. Siapkan 4 lembar jamur merang.
  9. Persiapkan 1 sdm kecap ikan.
  10. Kamu membutuhkan 3 lbr daun jeruk.

Not to mention how easy it is to make. Tom yum goong translates to an easy and authentic Thai spicy shrimp soup made with lemongrass, galangal, mushrooms, and fish sauce. Open "Tom-Yum Goong" folder, double click on "Setup" and install it. With its sensationalizing flavor contrast and aroma, it surely awakes your taste bud on your tongue.

Langkah - Langkah Memasak Tom Yum Goong

  1. Siapkan bahan bahan.
  2. Didihkan air masukkan bumbu munik dan jamur merang. Lalu sayur, baso, cabe,daun jeruk, air jeruk nipis.
  3. Terakhir masukkan soun yg sdh disiram air panas.Taburi bawang putih goreng. Aduk dan sajikan.

Tony jaa injured in TOM YUM GOONG, THE PROTECTOR BEST RARE OUTTAKE from LEETSULIANGKK PRODUCTION. Movie: Tom yum goong / The Protector.